Equifax Canada offers a FREE online credit score and report to all Canadian consumers:

The report includes:

  • A summary of the factors impacting your credit score

  • An easy to read summary of the information on your Equifax credit file

  • Access to our consumer relations agents 7 days a week during operating hours

  • Restrict access to your Equifax credit report (Quebec residents only)

  • Easily download and print your credit report from your online account

A Step-By-Step Guide to Obtain Your Free Credit Report and Score!

Start the request now! It is easy.  Click below

👉 GO to Equifax to Start 👈

Remember you can return here for instructions at any time.


  • Once you click on the link above, you will land on the starting page as the picture below.

Please click on Get Started!

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The process consists of 3 steps:

  1. Profile Information
    • Gather all the necessary information.
    • Creation of an account with Equifax.
  2. Verification of all the information supplied.
  3. Check out. It looks like a paid transaction, but it is not.

STEP 1: Gather all the necessary information

Fill Up your Personal Information

Fill out all the required information. Please note that your Social Insurance Number (SIN Number) is required. As per my experience, it did not let me pass with out it. You could try, they might have fixed the glitch already.

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  •   Create an Equifax Account

  • Next:   Create and verify an Equifax Account. Use your email address to verify the account. Check your spam folder if you don’t find the verification email from Equifax.
  • You need to verify this account by opening your email and clicking on the link that Equifax will send you.
  • Your new Equifax Account will allow you to return and check your credit at anytime. Remember that the report will update only once a month for the free version.
    Once you create your Equifax account, you can access it at anytime using this link >> my.equifax.ca/login

Continue with your address

Please make to select the correct answer:
Have you lived at your current address for more than 2 years?
When you respond no, it will open a new section for you to state your previous address. 

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STEP 2: Ownership Verification

  • Verify:   The system will ask you a set of questions to verify that you are the person you say you are.

  • One of the questions could be: Do you have a chequing account with?
    It would be a multiple choice answer. such as:
    • A) CIBC
    • B) RBC
    • C) BMO
    • D) NONE

You should be able to respond according to your finances.

  • Once you answer  all of the questions, you will be taken to the next STEP 

Step 3. Complete Order

  • Check out: This section will look like you are buying the product but with a $0 dollars cost.
    Once you have checked out, then you can access your report via a link provided where you will input your email as the user name and password as the password you had created in Step One.
  • Congratulation: You now have access to your credit report and credit score. This will refresh every month and you can access your Equifax profile at any time to check, analyze and print your report.
  • No Access? If for any circumstances, you could not complete all the steps, you will be provided with a phone number. It could be the number below. Don’t be afraid to call. Usually they respond within 5 minutes. Call the number. They will help you sort out the problem.
EQUIFAX Canada 1-800-465-7166
Open 24 hours

Any questions: [email protected]

If you require more information  or want us to give you a call, please, fill out the form below  

Thank you!